Friday, 20 May 2011

pebbles! always amazes me how pebbles can stay jammed into tiny crevices for weeks and then one day they are just gone! how the force of the waves jam pebbles into the strangest of  places!....

Would loved to have shown some art by Jane Tomlinson but worried about copyright and will look into how to display other artists work without breeching any laws!!! could always go on hew website
and see for yourself!

Liz Harding

Stone journey by Liz Harding

...another artist who has some amazing art-textile work and a really great blog is  Carolyn Saxby her website/blog is..

  you can also see her work at....

this is where I found this print/painting /embroidery by  Liz can find out a bit more about her on the link below...

...will attach some of my paintings and drawings related to pebbles soon...

...even managed to get a centipede in the shot!

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